Scop endeavour to satisfy the individual and collective training needs of employees by offering technical, managerial and cooperative training programmes. Through employment and activity cooperatives (CAE – Cooperatives d’Activité et d’Emploi), the Scop network actively support and accompany individual entrepreneurs in the pursuit of their initiatives. In addition, the Scop network also promotes the creation of SCIC (Sociétés Coopératives d’Intérêt Collectif) which are collective interest cooperatives bringing together employees, users, volunteers, and local authorities to implement local development projects.

Financed by member cooperatives and managed by elected representatives from Scop, the Scop’s network accompanies the creation and development of cooperative companies. It is one of the few networks offering entrepreneurs a full range of services: an introduction to creating a company, accompanying and monitoring activities over the life of the company, financing, training, inter-professional exchanges, representation among economic, political and social organisations.

The Scop network is comprised of the following:

· The “Confédération générale des Scop” leads and coordinates the Scop’s network and represents Scop at the national level in France.

· Thirteen regional unions accompany the day-to-day development of Scop and provide representation at the regional and local levels.

· Three professional federations represent the Scop of their sector in dealing with authorities in their respective fields and provide economic, technical and legal advice as well as support in the development of their activities. The professional federations encompass the following three sectors of activity: building and public works, communication, industry.