Our Power located in Austria, offer their renewable green electricity from sun, wind, water and biomass for sale. We believe that we can achieve the energy transition and climate protection f we take responsibility together. Participate personally in the energy market and become an active shaper of the energy transition. Our vision is a world […]
Announcing the Launch of worldmap.coop: A Global Hub for Cooperation!
The team at DotCooperation, together with Digital Commons Cooperative, are thrilled to introduce worldmap.coop, an exciting new platform that connects cooperative businesses, organizations, and movements from every corner of the globe. Whether you’re a co-op member, a supporter of sustainable economies, or simply curious about the power of collaboration, worldmap.coop is here to inspire and […]
KFCC (Korean Federation of Community Credit Cooperatives)
Community Credit Cooperative(CC, Saemaul Geumgo) CC had its beginning with five credit cooperatives, established in Gyeongsangnam-do in 1963. CC, as a financial cooperative, inherits the spirit of mutual help, which is also a main source of Gye, Hyangyak, Dure and has been playing not only economic functions of credit and insurance service but also social […]
Coop Coffee Indonesia
Coop Coffee Indonesia (Co-operative for the Indonesian Coffee) is the business program for the coffee farmers under Indonesian Ministry of Co-operative & Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Of Republic of Indonesia. Two aims of the business is to IMPROVE the coffee farmers’ wealth in co-operative bases and to PROMOTE the Indonesian best coffee to the world due […]
Ontario Co-operative Association
OCA is a non-profit co-operative that was originally formed in 1989 as CCA Ontario Region, and officially incorporated in 2002. They are one of nine provincial associations that serve English-speaking co-operatives and co-op member organizations across Canada, that are linked through a national committee, the Council of Regional Executives (CORE). Our Mandate is to be: […]
‘Wish Saemaul Geumgo Cooperative Movement to become seeds of hope in Myanmar’
“Myanmarese competent participants took education on Saemaul Geumgo Movement” Nine former and current officials from Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of Myanmar visited Saemaul Geumgo and took training workshop to promote Saemaul Geumgo Movement in Myanmar. Saemaul Geumgo development model has two pillars. One is sustainable financial development stressing savings and the other is […]
Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione (Federation of Cooperation in Trentino)
The Federation of Cooperation in Trentino promotes the development of the cooperative movement, coordinates and enhances the activities of cooperatives, and helps direct their actions to most effectively respond to the needs of the most vulnerable groups in society in the spirit of cooperation and mutuality. In this way the Federation aims to contribute to […]
Celebration and promotion for Kenya’s co-operative movement
CAK together with the other stakeholders launched the 2012 International Year of Co-operatives on the 29th November, 2011 where His Excellency, Hon. Mwai Kibaki, E.G.H., M. P, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kenya was the Chief Guest of Honor. The event was marked with exhibitions, entertainment and key speeches […]
Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK)
The Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK) is the National Apex Organization for Kenyas Co-operative Movement. Its membership is drawn from over 14,000 registered Co-operatives that include the National Co-operative Organizations (NACOs), Co-operative Unions and Primary Co-operative Societies. The individual members to these Co-operatives are over 10 million with mobilized savings of over Kshs. 250 billion […]