
143. Reconciling interests to make big business

The wine trellises fill the fertile valley floor of Rotaliana. It is often described as the most beautiful wine garden in Europe. Striking for its modernity in this region of Trentino, northern Italy, rich with Roman ruins and medieval buildings, is a steel-enmeshed three story office block with a low-lying grass roofed tasting building. This […]


Gruppo Mezzacorona arose from the merger of the Cantina Sociale (founded in 1904) and the Lega fra Viticoltori (founded in 1911) in 1970, the first merger of two cooperatives in Italy. The group now manages 2800 hectares of vineyard in the Italian region Trentino Alto Adige and an additional 1000 hectares in Sicily. Mezzacorona operates […]