We intend to end poverty with gender equality. Doing this, we have supported 34 agriculture cooperatives in fives neighboring provinces. Together with our local partner organizations, we have delivered many interventions focused on promoting female entrepreneurship, inclusive financial services, market linkage, sustainable and climate change resilient agriculture, and protecting farmers rights through working for conducive environments. Within almost two years of implementation, some significant progress made include:
- Some cooperatives have started to develop new business with profitable outcomes and commitment and solidarity in the group. Those business are: 1) Grilled chicken shop that is expected to be a door to sell the chicken from producer groups. 2) Cashew nut processing cooperative. This seem have potential to scale up since previous test of processing and packaging were sold completely. Hope next season they will increase volume of sale objective and find ways to insure enough volume of supply to meet the sale target set.
- Some cooperatives have started to do contract farming in supplying rice to company that export to EU and China.
- Some cooperatives have started to discuss with companies and in the process toward contract farming or we can say-partnership in business with private sector by supplying vegetable to private sector.
Thanks to leaders of the cooperatives also our good partners, FNN, CTO, MLUP who joined efforts to make these changes.