OCDC brings together organizations committed to building a more prosperous world through cooperatives. Its mission is to champion, advocate and promote effective international cooperative development. OCDCs members are: ACDI/VOCA, CHF International, Communications Cooperative International, Cooperative Resources International, HealthPartners, Land O’Lakes International Development, National Cooperative Business Association, National Rural Electric Association and the World Council of […]
Spanish co-operatives combating crisis
Dame Pauline Green Acknowledges Spanish co-operatives’ role in combating crisis; ICA receives prestigious lifetime award. Valencia, Spain. 10 July 2012; Dame Pauline Green today acknowledged the market leading position of the Spanish co-operative sector and its role as a stabilising and community-supporting influence, at a time when Spain leads the European Union in its numbers […]
Focus on Youth – week of July 1, 2012
See the amazing things youth around the world are achieving through cooperation in this week’s Stories.coop stories. We’ll meet students innovating in a high school in Lesotho, Argentinian youth using the power of communication, farmers in Uganda, and we’ll see what Sicilian social cooperatives are doing with a villa confiscated from the Mafia. And let’s […]
Co-Cycle Tours the U.S. to Build Support for Cooperatives
Tomorrow is the big kick-off for Co-cycle 2012’s youth-led bike tour across the United States to learn about and promote co-operatives. Read more in the attached press release (pressreleaseco-cycle.doc) and stay tuned for tomorrow’s story of the day from To The Moon, a documentary following their journey.
A truly global website
Stories.coop has reached over 40,000 visits from almost 30,000 unique visitors! And these visitors to the website really are global – there has been at least 1 visitor from almost every country in the world as can be seen in the map. And our Stories of the Day have featured 55 countries so far from […]
Coming soon: Organics Week on Stories.coop
The week of May 7th will feature cooperatives using organic production. Stay tuned! This week is Eastern Europe week and soon to come: media and communications, fisheries, Latin Amerincan coops, artisans, and more!
Get the new International Year of Co-operatives twibbon
Key co-operative organisations across the world are supporting a new global twibbon, which is to be released on 12 April, to enable people on Twitter and Facebook around the world to show their support for the International Year of Co-operatives. International Co-operative Alliance, Global News Hub, Co-operatives UK, National Co-operative Business Association, Canadian Co-operative Association […]