Cooperativa Obrera is a consumer cooperative with cooperative supermarkets located in 53 cities in Argentina. It is one of the cooperatives with the most members in Argentina and employs over four thousand people, making it the second largest consumer cooperative in Latin America.
Case study – Habitat participatif in France: the case of H’Nord (Bordeaux)
Executive Summary H’Nord is an eco-neighbourhood housing redevelopment project under construction within the Des Chartrons district in the northern part of Bordeaux. The project started when, in 2004, three long standing residents of the neighbourhood began to think about how to exploit a vast industrial area left abandoned for several years in their neighbourhood. […]
Habitat participatif in France: the case of H’Nord (Bordeaux)
Executive Summary H’Nord is an eco-neighbourhood housing redevelopment project under construction within the Des Chartrons district in the northern part of Bordeaux. The project started when, in 2004, three long standing residents of the neighbourhood began to think about how to exploit a vast industrial area left abandoned for several years in their neighbourhood. […]
Sustainability: inbuilt in the cooperative model
In 2013 the global representative body for the global cooperative sector, the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), decided it was time to take action on sustainability. Oft used as a term to describe cooperatives, the ICA wanted to understand in great detail in fact how appropriate and accurate the term “sustainable” was to describe the cooperative […]
San Francisco Bay Area Coops: A Photo Journey
Out at the edge of the Western United States, the San Francisco Bay Area is home to dozens of unique, cooperatively-owned businesses. California has long engendered hopes and dreams of epic proportion and lured prospectors seeking wonder and wealth. In the 1840s the world heard a rumor that gold lay in California’s northern hills. Cooperatives […]
Participation: The Glue That Binds
Every week, the members of the Shallalà Honey Producers cooperative in southern Ethiopia must walk seven or eight kilometres to attend their regular meeting. The Italian consumers’ cooperative Coop Adriatica has 1.16 million members, making an Annual General Meeting for all an impossibility. All over the world, cooperatives face different challenges in ensuring that their members can have their […]
Why a worker cooperative?
Along with a couple of my co-founders of a worker cooperative developing an indoor playground and cafe, I am currently taking a course entitled “Small Business: The Fundamentals” through our local small business development council. As part of the 20-hour course, the instructors go over the types of legal entities an entrepreneur should consider utilizing […]
Out of the Bubble and into the Community
While just up the street, buses labeled “Google” and “Apple” cart employees back and forth from massive campuses, the workers at TechCollective make their way to the first floor of a house surrounded by ornate, old, wooden Victorian houses in the heart of San Francisco. As the Bay Area buzzes with dot-commers fighting to be […]
200 Artists, One Great Idea
In a region known for experience occurring in the cloud, on the net and through a virtual reality, City Art Cooperative in San Francisco, CA focuses on a single physical space and the objects that 200 artists create. Twelve times a year the gallery walls and pedestals, laden with an ever-changing display, transform and the […]
City Arts
City Art is a cooperative gallery founded, owned, and managed by local artists. We provide Bay Area artists with a supportive environment, vibrant community, and exceptional exposure. We are a unique resource for emerging collectors, offering access to both original art and the artists creating it. City Art brings art-lovers together