Saturday morning, 6:00 am. The sun is beginning to rise over the Reconcavo, and the landscape is plunged into an intense, lush green light. The four farmers and neighbours Fernando Alvez, Luiz Ribeiro, Eduardo da Cruz and Evaldo Gonzago have been working for around two hours, and have already loaded the 40 year old Ford-pick-up, […]
An integrated food and agricultural company
CLAI is a Cooperative of Agricultural Workers and Breeders that has operated in the cold cuts and fresh meats sector since 1962, guaranteeing the complete supervision of the food chain. Today the company has around 230 members and 400 employees, and is the third player in Salame market in Italy (Databank Salumi November 2010). All […]
Clai Sca
CLAI is a Cooperative of Agricultural Workers and Breeders that has operated in the cold cuts and fresh meats sector since 1962, guaranteeing the complete supervision of the food chain. Today the company has around 230 members and 400 employees, and is the third player in Salame market in Italy (Databank Salumi November 2010). All […]
Building Italy for over a century
From humble origins CMB stands for Cooperativa Braccianti e Muratori, the cooperative of labourers and bricklayers, and Carpi is a small town in Emilia-Romagna CMB Carpi has grown to become one of Italys top ten construction groups, building motorways, hospitals and shopping centres all over the country. The original cooperatives, the Cooperativa Braccianti […]
CMB Carpi
One of Italys leading construction companies, working on hospitals, shopping centres, housing projects and large-scale infrastructure.
Clai Sca
CLAI is a Cooperative of Agricultural Workers and Breeders that has operated in the cold cuts and fresh meats sector since 1962, guaranteeing the complete supervision of the food chain. Today the company has around 230 members and 400 employees, and is the third player in Salame market in Italy (Databank Salumi November 2010). All […]
Integrity and respect
From the early 1980s, the big banks deserted many smaller country centres in New South Wales. The Community Mutual Group (CMG) stepped into that role, retaining and extending local branches and agencies as well as maintaining local decision-making and the friendly face of local banking. Today CMG is the largest inland credit union in Australia […]
Community Mutual Group
Australia’s largest inland community credit union which has retained local decision making and community involvement that sets us apart from our competitors. We aim to provide trusted community banking through our commitment to our member owners, our values of integrity, respect and fairness and the cooperative principles.
The successful case of a small producers organization
The organization Asociacíon Bananos Ecológicos de la Línea Noroeste (BANELINO) was founded in 1996 when small Caribbean producers from Mao and Montecristi in the Dominican Republic decided to join their forces to create an organization that ensures the sale of bananas all over the year and at a fair price, which allows the producers and […]
Asociación de Bananos Ecológicos de la Línea Noroeste – Banelino
Banelino is a cooperative of small banana growers in Western Valley of the Dominican Republic near the border with Haiti.