246. A Health Cooperative Federation

In 1999, at a time in which 50% of Argentina’s population was without access to health care, the Argentine Federation of Solidarity Health Entities (FAESS) was formed to bring users and providers together to develop a cooperative Health Service model. The mission of FAESS is to provide cooperatives, mutuals, and other sectors with adequate health […]

. FAESS – Federacion Argentina de Entidades Solidarias de Salud

The Argentine Federation of Solidarity Health Entities (Federación Argentina de Entidades de Salud Solidaria, FAESS) was created from a collaborative agreement between the Mobilized Institute of Cooperative Funds (Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos, IMFC) and the Cooperative Confederation of the Republic of Argentina (La Confederación Cooperativa de la Republica Argentina, COOPERAR) to formulate an integrative […]