Learn how a journey to a remote location in Peru to meet ACOPAGRO co-op members, connected communities and gave purpose and meaning to all.
Democratizing the technology sector
A community of worker-owned cooperatives is working to boost global cooperation among cooperatives worldwide.
A community for future generations
Meet the founders of Sumu Yakushima and learn how this housing co-op has become an inspiring lifestyle for future generations.
Leading the cooperative way
Two electric cooperative leaders in Liberia and Uganda are proving the sustainability and potential of the co-op model.
Paving the way for social and labor inclusion
Meet Diomcoop, a cooperative founded in 2017 to address the growing social concern and advocacy for immigrants in vulnerable situations.
Fighting for our lives
COPPALJ is a family farming cooperative in the Maranhão States in Brazil. Learn how they fought for the land they have lived on for generations.
Rukiga Sacco
Rukiga Sacco in Uganda is a financial cooperative in the rural area of Kabale, Uganda. They engage in savings for members. They also advance loans to small holder farmers and have around 21,700 clients (end 2020) with loans. As of 2019, Rukiga SACCO is transforming from a traditional cooperative financial institution to a customer needs […]
MAKT Creative
At MAKT, we want to do business, but not business as usual. We love marketing. We love the creative process. We love business and economic strategy. But we do not love how the majority of businesses in the American economy operate. We don’t love how it affects consumers or how it affects workers. We don’t […]
A successful rice project in DR Congo
Heineken was looking for rice for her brewery Bralima in DR Congo. Six rice cooperatives in the Ruzizi Plain had insufficient working capital to buy the members’ rice for processing and delivery. In the first year, with Agriterra’ s advice, the cooperatives were able to take out a loan at Equity Bank and buy 1500 tons of rice from the members and resell it […]
Bringing Power to India’s Poorest Women Workers
Bringing Power to India’s Poorest Women Workers How many times do we need to prove that poor women are bankable? asks Jayshree Vyas, managing director of the SEWA bank. In the case of this cooperative bank it has proven that about 97 per cent of its lenders meet their repayments a better rate than […]